Monday, June 11, 2012

Cleveland » Museum of Natural History » Pt. 1

I don't want to say that the Cleveland Museum of Natural History was the highlight of our vacation but it was definitely something I was really looking forward to checking out. I've not really been to many museums before and I'm sure there is a natural history museum or something similar in the Pittsburgh area that may be awesome as well but I saw photos of this particular museum over at The Dainty Squid blog and it looked amazing and I knew it had to have a slot on our agenda. This place was full of all kinds of things that are really intriguing to me: animals, taxidermy, outer space, collections, plants, mushrooms, mythical creatures, live animals, prehistoric creatures, skeletons, and so much more. I had an especially fun time here with Laura. It was nice to be with some one who was equally as childishly excited about all these things. I think we both kind of looked at everything and soaked it in as if we were kids amazed by these concepts for the first time. We did spend a large chunk of our first afternoon in Cleveland here. I seriously could not tell you what my favorite part of the museum was. Luckily, I was able to take photos of almost everything in the museum. Of course, I took a bunch, so I'll post a little each day.

1 Wade Oval Drive  Cleveland, OH 44106

» Linny

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