It seems like I don't ever get to post little things on here about my day to day life. It's always some adventure or some updates on critters. Don't get me wrong, those things are a huge part of my life, but for the most part an average day goes a little something like this....
A typical morning for me starts around 5:45 in the morning, depending on if Michael is working that day or not. The morning routine includes showering, hair drying, breakfast, make-up, getting dressed, generally getting ready and saying my goodbyes to everyone (Michael and all the animals!). Work seems to take the biggest chunk of my day. Regardless of if I like it or not, that's just the way it is, five days a week, 8 to 4:30.

At work we've been doing a whole lot of cleaning. The kids finished up earlier in the month but staff continues to work all summer. Don't get the wrong impression here, summer work is MUCH different the the hectic work that goes on throughout the school year, with the kids and all the paperwork and this and that. We're kind of in limbo right now, waiting for trainings to be scheduled and placement letters to be sent out for next program year. We've been dragging out cleaning for over a week now. All the toys and materials were neatly (or not so neatly) put into the closet. All furniture was wiped down and stacked up and waiting to be hauled out so the floors can be stripped and freshly waxed. The walls were all wiped down and waiting for a fresh coat of paint.

It's really not anything to be complaining about, so I hope that's not what I'm portraying here. It's easy, almost boring work in the summer time. It's kind of sick and disturbing but I love organizing and I love rearranging so it's all right up my alley. I could do it all day. My favorite duty so far? Well, I arranged all of our books in the closet according to the themes we do each month. It was actually, honestly fun to go through all the books and read the titles and flip through and look at all the illustrations. I LOVE children's books. I'm even starting my own little section of kids books I've collected on my bookshelf here at home. The short, simple, sweet little stories with great lessons learned with the bright, vibrant colors and textures and styles and magical pictures, full of so much imagination. Yeah, I'm just a sucker for them all. Completely!
Of course, everyones favorite time of the day.. Lunch break! Ordering out or packing my own, it's a nice break in the middle of the day. It's good to know you're halfway done!
As for after work.. sometimes my journey home include stopping at the Credit Union to visit my mother and sister and pick up something or other and stopping for milk. Real fun, right? Some evenings we get visitors, some days we visit, some days it's grocery shopping. You never know. Today, in particular, I picked up Michael and our friend, Jason, at our house and we headed over to the pet store to pick up a couple of things.
Some days, it's just nice (ummm, probably my favorite thing to do) to come home and put on pajamas and just spend the remainder of the day with Michael and all of our little critters.
I usually make dinner. Nothing ever too fancy. We play with the ferrets, getting them wound up, or sometimes they just entertain us with all their antics and games of chicken in their tunnel. Every once in a while, I get the motivation and energy to cross something off my to-do list. I devote some time to all my daily blog reads and other favorite internet stops. By 9, the ferrets have found their secret sleeping nook, Michael is usually sketching, playing games on the PS3, or watching something on Netflix, and I tuck the bird in for the night by covering his cage and then things just slowly wind down from there. By 10 o'clock, I'm pretty tired, having woke up that early, I try to get myself in bed by 11.
There you have it... That's an average week day in the household. :)
xo, Linds